SEO checklist: SEO optimization with keywords!

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September 17, 2020
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The goals of websites can be completely different. One website operator wants to generate more leads, another wants to sell more products or strengthen his branding.
One thing is certain: All website operators are united by the question of the right keywords for search engine optimization. Because as sophisticated as the algorithms of search engines are today, the keywords are still an essential part of the optimization. Successful work with keywords, however, requires extensive research and here, too, the following applies: What the user wants must be in the foreground!
More visibility through relevant keywords
Conquer top niches with longtail keywords
Click here for the complete article series:
- SEO Checklist: Introduction to search engine optimization
- SEO checklist: Which SEO trends are there in 2020?
- SEO Checklist: High-quality content also achieves a high-quality Google ranking!
- SEO checklist : The user belongs in the focus!
- SEO checklist: Snippets and the appearance of search results
- SEO checklist: SEO optimization with keywords!
- SEO checklist: Link building and link structure
- SEO checklist: Practical tools for more traffic