Remote First - tips for socializing in the home office

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March 25, 2020
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We introduced a "Remote First" culture with the founding of asioso and have been living this culture ever since. Therefore a complete changeover to home office is currently very easy for us and possible without major restrictions.
What is definitely missing in the home office is close contact with colleagues. Socializing is an important factor. Contact with other people is what makes our lives special. We can inform ourselves, laugh together or simply exchange information.
Already when asioso was founded we introduced the format Bits & Beer. This takes place every Friday at 16:30. With the help of Microsoft teams, all four locations were able to meet weekly and talk about personal topics of current interest. Be it the growing anticipation of the annual company event, birthdays with serenades in different languages and musical accompaniment, or important module presentations by colleagues - everything was discussed here.
Due to the current situation and the resulting complete loss of social office life, we have introduced two new formats: Bits Coffee and Bits & Coffee Break.
Every day between 08:50 - 09:00 and 14:50 - 15:00 all colleagues can meet in our virtual team room. We talk about many different and non-business topics. We drink coffee, tea and milk and toast each other. Some colleagues have birthdays on these days, so there is also virtual cake in addition to a serenade. Participation is voluntary and consists of two appointments a day for logistical reasons, as many colleagues now have to provide childcare in addition to their work.
Especially in the current situation it is advantageous to switch on the video camera. It is nice to see the smile of a person and not just hear it. With video calls you reduce the distance to your fellow human beings.
This is also a great way to do it in your personal life, by the way. Make online appointments with your friends and family using Skype, Google Hangout & Co. For example, you can video-conference with your kids and grandparents and have breakfast together. Make sure the screen and microphone are well placed. In the evening you can do the whole thing with friends over a glass of wine. It is unusual at first but they get used to it very quickly.