German online trade: DDoS attacks cause ongoing problems

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June 14, 2017
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For weeks now, German online commerce has been under attack by two hackers. Again and again DDoS waves (Distributed Denial of Service) hit German online shops and service providers. The target of the DDoS attacks?
German online trade underestimates dangers
According to the BVOH, the danger should not be underestimated under any circumstances. After all, online shops are the business basis for online retailers - if DDoS attacks or other hacker attacks ensure that the shop is offline, the business basis is also threatened. But it is not only the shops that are at risk - many online trading systems are online applications. If the online systems of the shop providers - i.e. marketplaces, traffic suppliers or even shipping service providers - are attacked and subsequently rendered incapable, the entire online trade will not function. The attacks cause the shop or even the systems to fail, so that customer support can no longer be offered. In addition, there are increased recalls, the data has to be updated again and the systems have to be rebuilt. Such processes cost money and burden the service provider. Unfortunately, many shop providers are still not concerned with security, so that they do not enjoy proper protection against possible attacks.
Small measures provide the necessary protection
But there are also protective measures to prevent possible DDoS attacks. "Link11", a German protection provider, advises companies to check their systems. For example, the online retailer has to make sure that DDoS protection is maintained, that DDoS protection secures the subdomains and the domain name, and also ensures that internal networks are protected against possible attacks. Furthermore, the IP address of the server should not be directly accessible from the Internet. These are minor measures, but they ensure that the online shop remains protected. But not only large companies should check their security measures. Finally, according to, an industry service, smaller companies are also attacked. These included, Rakuten, Redcoon,, DHL or even Hermes. Many companies reacted to the attacks and have now installed corresponding programs, so that the sites are now protected.
BVOH wants to present new solutions
Online trade has been shown that attacks are always possible and can become a problem. Now that the postal strike in June 2015 has made it clear how risky shipping really is, the current DDoS attacks show the risk involved when services are offered online. For this reason, BVOH is calling on retailers and service providers to take a closer look at various programs (security). On August 31, 2017, the day of online trading, the BVOH will also be looking more closely at cyber security and presenting solutions.