asioso with contribution on the topic "Agile Leadership" in the business magazine Digitale Welt

Published on:
August 04, 2020
Reading time:
Under the title "Agile Teams - the corporate culture of the future" our CEO of asioso, Nico Rehmann, wrote a technical paper. This has now been published in the business magazine Digitale Welt!
Content of the article
In this blog article you will get an insight into the leadership approach "Agile Leadership" and why this approach seems necessary in an age like this. Constantly changing processes and adaptations that have to be made in the course of this process make new forms of leadership necessary. In this so-called VUCA world, which is an acronym for Volatility (volatility), Uncertainty (uncertainty), Complexity (complexity) and Ambiguity (ambiguity), everything is constantly changing.
Furthermore, 5 methods and principles associated with agile leadership are discussed:
- Creating trust and facilitating a so-called error culture, because this is about trust in your employees
- The decision-making process must be optimized and process oriented
- Formation of self-organized teams, which makes agile leadership possible
- The manager acts primarily as a person of trust
- Communication is in the foreground and regular exchange among each other is important
The Spotify model is also presented as a successful example. In the company this leadership style works excellently. At the centre of the Sportify model are 8 so-called squads, into which the employees are divided. The employees are allowed to make mistakes, which contributes to the learning speed and development. Or, as Spotify founder Daniel Ek says: "We aim to make mistakes faster than anyone else."
Finally, here is a tip on how to introduce and establish the agile leadership style in your own company.
HERE you can read the whole blog article on Digital World.
About Digital World
Digital World is a business magazine on the topic of digitization. Here you can find news, specialist articles and blog posts on topics such as AI, Human Resources, Data Science, Digital Transformation, Data Security or Machine Learning. Furthermore, Digitale Welt is also available as a written magazine from Springer Link and Springer Professional.