asioso is again sponsor and co-organiser of the Online Focus Conference MARKETING

Published on:
April 21, 2020
Reading time:
After the great success of the Fokus Online Conference Marketing in November 2019, we are very pleased to be a sponsor and co-organizer again this year! After more than 800 registrations last year, great feedback and results, this year's event has a lot to offer over 4 days.
Short info
The Online Conference will take place from 25 - 28 May 2020 experts and speakers in the field of marketing will give exciting presentations and share their experiences.This year's main topics are Trends & Strategy, digital marketing, Content Marketing/ Social Media/ SEO and E-Commerce/ Content Commerce/ Content Marketing. The event will always start at 9:00 am with a short opening to the respective focus on that day. This is followed by the 40-minute speeches of the experts. The whole thing will end at about 13:00 h.
Click here to register free of charge.
To give you as good an overview as possible of what to expect, the following section contains a short program overview of the different days with speaker, topic and time.
Programme overview
Monday, 25. Mai
Trends & Strategy
Tuesday, 26. May
Digital Marketing
11:30 - 12:10: Title follows (Programmatic Advertising)
Wednesday, 27. May
Content Marketing / Social Media / SEO
09:00-09:15: Eröffnung
Thursday, 28. May
E-Commerce / Content Commerce / Content Marketing
09:00-09:15: Eröffnung
11:30 - 12:10 Clock: More Awareness, Trust and Leads! Insights into the Content Marketing Trend Study 2020 by Statista