
Why CMO and CIO should cooperate

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May 12, 2017

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According to various experts, the marketing department is becoming increasingly important in many companies, and with it the Chief Marketing Officer. This could have a negative impact on the influence of the Chief Intelligence Officer, they say. But it's not through competitive thinking, but through cooperation between the two departments that both can benefit - and the CIO can even increase his power. 


the customers

in many markets have the magazine in their hands. Many different companies compete for the favour of a crowd of customers who have more and more choice. This is why marketing is becoming increasingly important for companies. Effective contact with potential customers can make the difference, not the quality of the products, which is almost lost in today's flood of information. For companies, this means a change in the power structure within the company: IT, which was previously almost exclusively in the hands of the CIO, is also under heavy pressure from the CMO. There has even been some speculation that CMOs have more to say there than CIOs. 
This trend has not, however, proved to be true. Although many companies have proclaimed "customer centricity", i.e., a complete orientation of the company towards the customer, the CIO still holds the reins in IT matters. 

Tasks such as improving IT security or modernization by Industry 4.0 continue to be important issues in many companies, which the CIO is responsible for at the top of his or her list of priorities. 
Marketing projects, while consuming a not insignificant share of the IT budget, continue to depend on the CIO. This is because the primary use of IT in marketing, the management and storage of customer data, runs the risk of doing more harm than good to the business without the support of the CIO. This can result in data silos that are inaccessible to the rest of the company and prevent an efficient value-added process. 

The CIO should therefore be prepared to increase the CMO's involvement in IT, as this will also enable him to strengthen his influence in the company. Ideally, the CIO and the CMO support each other and complement each other to work better. 

This technical article was published by Nico Rehmann in Computerwoche. You can download the entire article here read.

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