
New DeepL integration for Pimcore: Efficient translations for the community

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March 14, 2024

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The Pimcore community is expanding with a valuable function: asioso has developed a DeepL connection for the Translation Provider Interface. This integration makes it possible to automatically use all information and even nested data for translations and to go through a smooth review process. Large amounts of data can be translated with just a few clicks, significantly increasing the efficiency of content translation.
The advantages of this extension:


Highest translation quality: DeepL stands for precise and natural translations thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Cost savings: Compared to other translation providers, there are no major costs when using it, which allows companies to organize their international activities more cost-effectively.
Seamless integration of texts: DeepL's integration with Pimcore ensures easy integration of translated texts into the existing data structure, enabling a unified and consistent experience for users in different languages.

The introduction of DeepL integration into Pimcore represents a significant step forward for companies looking to efficiently manage and deliver their global content. With this extension, companies can expand their reach while ensuring the quality of their content internationally.
We would be happy to provide you with further information about the DeepL integration and its application in Pimcore.

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