asioso develops Pimcore bundle for e-commerce search DooFinder

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August 14, 2019
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asioso marries Pimcore to DooFinder, a search engine specialized in e-commerce.
asioso has released an open source bundle (AmPnBsP) to integrate DooFinder, a powerful, affordable and intuitive search technology specialized in e-commerce, into Pimcore. doofinder optimizes the internal search in more than 6.000 online shops worldwide. With the extension also the integration for Pimcore-Customers easily. This bundle can be found in the official Pimcore Marketplace.
The search learns by itself and positions the most relevant search results higher up, without manual intervention. New products and price changes in your online shop are detected automatically and independently. Regardless of the size of your product assortment or the frequency of changes, your online shop will gain significantly in efficiency or performance.
With On-Site Search, your customers will find the products they are looking for in milliseconds while typing in the search term, without leaving the current page. DooFinder suggests suitable products to the customer directly via an auto-suggest function and lets your customers find the relevant products at lightning speed.
You can also work with landing pages, banners, shopping worlds, keywords and synonyms and manage user-defined search results with doofinder and create your own ads to continuously adjust and optimize them to your business. This gives you countless possibilities to customize the search to exactly fit your individual needs and requirements.
Through the native implementation directly into the Pimcore e-commerce platform using the DooFinder bundle, the search results and their relevance are also available on mobile devices. Also doofinder has a completely independent mobile optimized search view.
Here you can find more information and the download link of the Pimcore-DooFinder Module
range of functions:
- Extensive analysis and search statistics
- Faceting
- Filter function
- self-learning search technology
- Merchandising functions
- Intervention in the search logic
- Positioning
- Banner, Synonym, Redirection & Custom Result Function
- Increased performance, relief of the server
- native installation, per asioso bundle