
Why you should deal with visual storytelling in content marketing

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April 25, 2017

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By now, many companies have realized that content marketing is crucial for most business models Although we have long since entered the age of the customer, many companies still do not want to admit that their target group does not just crave for dry information, but rather wants to be entertained.

Storytelling has become an important part of content marketing. For a good and successful product presentation it is no longer enough to simply publish a CaseStudy. Having a blog just for the sake of blogging, or using a social media channel just to be present, can also have counterproductive effects on a company's brand identity  

But what exactly does good storytelling mean? First and foremost, storytelling is the art of mastering the art of telling good stories about your product, service or service. The relationship between people and brands is the basis for successful customer retention and loyalty. An emotional, funny or binding storytelling helps to reach the target group effectively, but at the same time it promotes and strengthens the connection within the customer group, because in the best case they report, discuss and tell their story in the social media. This approach is also called Transmedia Storytelling.

In order to attract the attention of customers, new methods must be added to conventional marketing in today's flood of information. Thus, the term interactive marketing is gaining more and more importance. Customers today also want to help shape and develop stories, they want to be included and heard. Mercedes recently provided a good example of interactive marketing in a print campaign in which customers were allowed to send in photos of their cars. A selection of all the entries was published in various US magazines, thus contributing to the success of this campaign  

Storytelling is therefore no longer just static, but can also be a very good basis for interaction with customers.

The best way to visualize the flood of information is to look at the analysis of doz.com. According to this information, about 56,000 new images are created in one minute on Instagram, 280,000 snaps sent in Snapchat, 430,000 tweets on Twitter, 3,000,000 newly shared content on Facebook.

Visual storytelling must above all arouse emotions in order to remain longer and easier in the memory. Stories and images activate significantly more brain regions than "simple" information and leave a lasting impression. Especially in today's world of increasingly complex content, connections can be made very well through visual storytelling. It can be said that our original need for good stories has not changed in evolution. This certainly has a lot to do with the fact that we learned in our childhood that stories are interesting and easy to understand.

Of course in some industries it is not easy to tell a positive story about a product. For example, how do you make a patient aware of drugs or aids without putting his or her illness in the foreground? Here one could express the attitude towards life that patients can have despite their limitations. Which strategy you use here depends largely on the creativity of your content marketing department or service provider. However, everything is possible for the time being.

Finally, a few successful visual storytelling examples:

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