Haiilo WorkingX 2022 - and asioso is there with a presentation

Published on:
April 11, 2022
Reading time:
The virtual broadcast event will take place on April 26, 2022 from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. with the theme "Time to rethink Employee Engagement."
Most of the lectures will be held in English. However, there will be one in German and one in French per masterclass.
What's on offer: Panel Talks, Interactive Sessions and Best Practices from renowned speakers, industry experts and experienced practitioners.
Employee Engagement 1.0 is dead. What’s the upgrade then?
Max Hunter, Chief Joy Officer & Founder - Motivators@work
3:50 pm
Panel: The Great Resignation - myth or real?
Max Hunter, Vanessa Mauri Stephan, Anne Frost, Matt Beadle, Brad Whitworth
Secret Sauce of a People-First Culture - Our very own story!
Jan Marius Marquardt, CEO Haiilo
4:30 pm
The Haiilo Effect - How we rethink the interaction with your workforce
Introducing the breakout sessions and masterclasses
Max Hunter
Masterclasses Session #1
- Do’s and Don’ts in Employee Advocacy (Interactive session with Anne Frost)
- Masterclass1: Best Practices in Employer Branding, in 2022 (Speaker – coming soon)
- Masterclass 2: Improving Employee Engagement by using AI and smart survey (Thibaud Martin, Co-founder Jubiwee)
- Masterclass 3: Empathy - the new go-to leadership skill (Lunia Hara, LinkedIn Changemaker, speaker and leadership coach)
- Die Evolution des Intranets: Unternehmenskultur braucht mehr als Dateiablage (Vera Sondermann, Sebastian Eschenauer, E.ON)
- L’évolution de l’intranet : Votre culture d’entreprise mérite mieux qu’un simple stockage de fichiers (Yann Sparfel, Haiilo)
Masterclasses Session #2
- Do you want to go through life like a fly or like a bee? Strengths oriented leadership (Interactive session with Matt Beadle)
- From Employee Engagement to Empl. Communications: Technology trends and shifting requirements in the next years (Brad Whitworth)
- Content types that gain the highest engagement rates in international communications (Nico Rehmann, asioso)
- Communicate with your markets through your workforce (Roberto Tamayo, Vodafone)
- Wie die Top Brands Mitarbeiter werben - Employee Advocacy in der Praxis (Kevin Hähnlein, Haiilo and Carsten Rossi, KammannRossi)
- Et si vos collaborateurs étaient votre meilleur atout pour recruter ? L’Employee Advocacy en action. (Thibaud Martin, Co-founder Jubiwee)
2022 Haiilo Comms Awards
The Haiilo Comms Awards shine a light on organizational excellence in Employee Communications, recognising 4 organizations
Max Hunter (Moderator), Jury Representatives
Presentation by Nico Rehmann
Topic: Content types that gain the highest engagement rates in Internal Communications // Content that gains the highest engagement rates on the intranet
The presentation deals with the question which content is well received on the intranet in order to promote employee engagement. You will also learn how to create this content and what pragmatic approaches you can take. The presentation will be supported by best practices and many examples from different regions and industries.